Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good day shooters. This is my first real post on here and its been a long time since I've blogged. (Don't you usually pay a pretty woman to do that for you?) Anyways, I want you to know something about me. I love guns. I love shooting them, owning them, bragging about them, and meeting people that have the same respect for them that I do. You can't convince me that law abiding citizens should not own firearms. (For the record, I am certainly not a redneck. I can't stand country music! I am college educated and set in my right-wing views.) History has taught us that every tyrannical dictator (with the exception of Saddam Hussein surprisingly) has used gun control to take power and keep it from a defenseless citizenry. Well, you don't have to take that crap anymore America! Wake up and smell the gunpowder folks.

You can read in the news right now that smokers are currently paying the price for their evil habit. This is one of the first steps of our new benevolent Caesar from telling you that if it isn't healthy then it should be illegal. Funny, that lesson was put out pretty well in the film Demolition Man. Well, are you sheeple going to take that? Are you going to let them take away what is legally yours to have and own/use? Hey, just because its legal does not mean everyone will like it. I'm not crazy about smokers, pro-abortion advocates, or welfare recipients. But guess what? Its legal for those folks to do what they do. Its legal for me to keep and bear arms and I'll be damned if I'll simply give up with my Constitution says I can do.

Here is a website that is good intel for you and a good new source of supply for ammo. Ammunition (especially 5.56x45mm) has dried up due to government contractual demands and people hording it out of fear of their own government. This organization realized that and has their own contract to produce ammo. Here is the link for your perusal: You can also learn the newest info about terrorists and their plots. I care a lot more about that than reading about the latest Hollywood dumb ass doing something stupid or getting over for a terrible crime they committed. I'll save that for another day. Happy hunting and God Bless!

Remember: gun control is putting 10 rounds in a three inch span or less at 25 yards.

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